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Benefits of Onion (20210


Benefits of Onion (2019) 

Benefits of Onion (2019)

33 Benefits of Onion, Usage and Disadvantages

If the onion is not dredged and it is not in place in the salad while tasting it in the food, then there is no taste for food. Of course, while cutting it, water comes in the eyes, but there are no counterparts of the many benefits that come from eating it. Especially, in the summer it is said that eating onion does not seem to be lu. You may be surprised to know that onion is capable of saving not only louf but also from diseases such as diabetes and cancer. In this article, we will discuss about all such ayurvedic properties of onion in detail. It will also tell you how to eat it. At the end, onions will also tell the loss of food.

Table of contents
• What are onions - 
• Types of onions - 
• Are the onions good for your health?
• What is the better way of eating onions - 
• Benefits of onion - 
• Onion Nutrient Elements - 
• Onion Use - 
• Selecting onion and keeping it safe for a long time - 
• Onion Damage - 

What are onions 

Benefits of Onion (2019)

Originally the onion is considered to be a vegetable. It is eaten not only in India, but is cheated all over the world. Its scientific name is Allium Cepa. It is called in different languages ​​by different names. In Hindi, it is also called onion as well as onion and dungri, while in Telugu, Ullipayalu / Yera Gaddalu / Niruli, Wangyam in Tamil, Savanna in Tamil, Ullighde / Aruli / Niruli in Kannada, Pianyaj in Bengali, Dungari / Kanda is called Kanda and Marathi. The onion plant contains blue and green leaves.

Onion is used to make food. At the same time, it can also be eaten raw and its chutney and pickle also forms. Its flavor is sharp and sharp. It can be grown easily in any season. If you talk about its plant, the scientists consider it stem, which lives inside the ground. It helps the plant to grow properly.

Types of onion

Many species of onion are found worldwide. However, it is not possible to tell all of them here, but we are telling about some special types.

1. Yellow onion: Its pulp is white, while its outer layer is brown in color. Its aroma is like sulfur.

2. Sweet onion: Its outer layer is light and less opaque and it is slightly thicker.

3. White Onion: It is white in appearance from outside. Plus, its taste is slightly sweeter than other onions.

4. Red Onion: It is light sweet in the food and it can be eaten raw. Its outer layer is of magenta color.

5. Chalotes: It is smaller in size, the outer layer is brown and the inside pulp is purple.

6. Green onions: This onion is not fully grown.

7. Leak: Its bottom part is small, while the stem is long. It is used to make sauces or soup.

Next, we are answering that why it is necessary to eat onion after all.

Onion is beneficial for health in all respects. Whether you eat it raw or put it in a vegetable. It is considered to be a good source of folate, iron, potassium and vitamin C and B6. It also contains manganese, which protects you from colds and colds.

It contains essential phytochemicals such as aluminum and allele dysulfide, which are converted into alicin. Several scientific studies have found that an element called alicene is capable of counteracting cancer and diabetes (1). Onions can control inflammation and blood pressure in the veins.

Onion also contains an element called quercetin, which acts as an antioxidant (2). Due to this quality the onion can reduce inflammation in the body. Even oil from onion is also beneficial. Antioxidant, antiseptic and antibacterial properties are also found in this oil (3).

Now know that the best way to eat onion will be to eat.

What is the better way of eating onions - raw or cooked?

What is the better way of eating onions - raw or cooked?

It depends on your choice whether you eat onions or cook it after cooking. If you talk about raw onion, then it is found in high quantities of organic sulfur, which has many advantages. According to a scientific study, the outer layer of onion pulp contains excessive flavonoid, containing antioxidant properties. Therefore, when cutting the onion you should at least remove this layer. It is beneficial for you in many cases (4).

At the same time, the quantity of fiber and copper is found in baked onions. Where the fiber helps improve the digestive system, the copper is good for the growth of the brain. Even onion pickle is considered to be beneficial in terms of health. It is important to mention here that some companies mix chemicals on onion pickle, which is harmful to the health.

Articles are being talked of about the benefits of onions ahead.

Benefits of Onion - 

Here we are explaining how onions are beneficial for health, skin and hair. In this part of the article, we will explain these three things in detail. First talk about the benefits of onion for health:
Benefits of Onion for Health .



Through scientific studies conducted on mice, it has been confirmed that onion juice can control blood sugar. According to the study, onions contain chromium, which is why it is beneficial for diabetic patients. There are also sulfur, quercetin and antidiabetic properties, which can have positive effects on blood sugar (5). Therefore, patients with diabetes can consume only a limited quantity of onions daily.

2. Cancer


According to scientists, onion has the ability to kill cells that cause breast and stomach cancer. The amount of quercetin and anthocyanin in onions is high. Quercetin acts like antioxidant (2). Antioxidant prevents free radicals from forming in the body, which reduces the risk of cancer. 

Therefore, consuming onion does not have the chance to develop cancer bacteria in the body. Eating onions can also be avoided by mouth cancer (6). It has also been found that people who consume onion are more likely to reduce their risk of cancer several times. There is also cancer prevention in the benefit of eating onions in this way.

3. Digestive System

In the medicinal properties of onions, it is also better to improve the digestive system. On baked onion, the quantity of fiber is high, causing problems like constipation and gas. If constipation is not there, then the digestive system will function properly. Found in onions, this fiber is called oligofrutuctose (7). It helps the good bacteria in the intestines to grow, so that the intestines can work properly. Not only this, oligofrutus may prove to be beneficial in diarrhea.

Pythochemical found in onion reduces the effect of gastric ulcer to a great extent. There are also some natural probiotics in the onion, which help in relieving constipation (8). Apart from this, it also relieves the problems of stomach ache and worms in the stomach, but it needs further research.

4. Better Heart Health

 Better Heart Health

Quercetin properties found on the onions are also good for heart. It contains antioxidantary properties along with antioxidants, in which the heart works better. Onion also balanced the level of cholesterol, which is essential for the health of the heart. According to a report from Cambridge University Press, onions contain flavonoid, which can reduce the level of bad cholesterol (LDL) in obese people (9).
Onion can prevent platelets from sticking to each other so that blood clots do not go away and the fear of heart attack also decreases. In addition, onion also regulates hypertension, which is not good for heart.

5. Strong Bones

According to the research, onion may reduce the risk of osteoporosis (rupture of the bones) with aging. At the same time, according to another study, women who eat onions daily, their bones are five percent stronger than onions which do not eat (10). At the same time eating onions of women over 50 years of age has a positive effect on bones.

According to the Arthritis Foundation, quercetin found in the onion is so effective that it can reduce the effects of leucotrien, prostaglandins and histamine. All of these cause osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis (11). Apart from this, eating onions also provides relief from joint pain. The list of medicinal properties of onions is also strengthened by bones.

6. Relief from swelling and allergies

Relief from swelling and allergies

As you may have known, onions contain an element called quercetin, which helps in reducing inflammation. In addition, quercetin also has a property called antihistamine, which can help you fight allergies. It is believed that if the onion is used in food, then the problem of sinus can be overcome (12). If you eat raw onions at night, then it can help in the compound called sulfur to evacuate the mucus.

Onion also contains antibacterial properties. By consuming its juice, Streptococcus mutations and Streptococcus Sobrinus bacteria that cause the teeth to cause teeth and cause allergies can end with root (13). Therefore, it is also to reduce swelling in the benefit of eating onions.

7. Better Disease Resistant System

Vitamin C is needed for healthy immune system and phytochemicals present in the onion work to increase vitamin C in the body. Onion also contains selenium, which improves the immune system. Consumption of onion increases the amount of vitamin C in the body. Onion contains vitamin C, which is essential for the health of teeth. Not only this, onion helps in handling mouth cancer (15).

9. Pain relief from pain

It is believed that the pain in the ear can be cured with onion. For this, onion is heated and its juice is extracted and inserted into the affected ears. There are many other such household methods, which can be used to fix ear pain using onions.

Note: So far scientific research has been rare and clearly it is difficult to say whether the onions are suitable for ear pain or not (16). You must definitely ask a good ear doctor before using it.

10.For the eyes

For the eyes

The relation of onion and eyes is also weird. When it bites, water comes out from the eyes, then the light of the eyes is sharp on food. Onion consumption creates glutathione in the body, which is a type of protein. It works like antioxidants. Excess of glutathione in the body i.e. black and white glaucoma and other diseases related to the eyes (17) (18). Onion also contains selenium, which gives the body enough vitamin-E and Vitamin-E is essential for the eyes. Therefore, it can be said that the benefit of eating onions is also to increase the eyesight.

Keep reading to know the benefits of onion.

11. Increase sexual ability

Onions are not just vegetables, but also an Ayurvedic medicine. It can also be used to increase sexual ability. It is believed that if the juice of onion is taken with honey, then the reproduction capacity of the men can be increased. If someone is suffering from weakness or impotence in sexual capacity, then it can benefit from taking onion (19).

12. Fever and cough

If you have a fever, then you can use onion as a home remedies. By eating it, a fever can get a lot of relief (20). Not only this, some people have the problem of bleeding from the nose, for them the smoke of onion can be beneficial. At the same time, after coughing, taking onion juice mixed with honey, it provides relief. This also includes the benefits of eating onions.

Assistant in menopause

Assistant in menopause

During the menstrual period, women have to undergo many physical problems. Onion may be beneficial for them. At this time, the onion helps improve the liver's efficiency and eliminates bad hormones from the body. Doctors recommend taking more calcium this time, and onion is a good source of calcium (21).

14. Better breathing

If you are struggling with any problems related to your respiratory tract like asthma, then you can consume onions. It works like anti-inflammatory. It also contains omega-3 fatty acids, which is suitable for problems like asthma and allergic rhinitis. Add it to your daily diet. Whether you put it in a curry or eat it as a salad. It will prove to be beneficial for you in every respect (22) (23). In addition to the benefits of onion, breathing is also a good way to work.

15. Better sleep

As mentioned earlier in this article, onions contain probiotics, which help in bringing good sleep and removing stress. By eating onions, good bacteria grow in the intestines, which digest the dietary fiber, thus improving the stomach and producing metabolic bioproducts. These biproducts improve the functioning of the brain and get good sleep (24). There is also good sleeping sleep in the medicinal properties of onion.

16. Not accumulating blood clots

Not accumulating blood clots

Onion contains an element called Rootin, which does not allow blood clots to be formed in the body. One study found that routine acts as an antithrombotic, which reduces the risk of blood clotting. These blood clots can be made in arteries and nerves. Some enzymes are formed when clotting is formed and the routine helps prevent these enzymes (25).

17. Treatment of cholera

After illness like cough, earache and cancer, we talk about cholera. Research has found that onions contain such properties that are able to cure cholera. It contains antibacterial properties. Therefore, onion consumption can be used as a home remedies (26). Onion has the advantages of cholera.

18. Increased energy

Onions contain fiber, which slowly conducts digestion process. It keeps energy in the body. In addition, onion is found in an inhalin (starch-rich substance), which can help in keeping body's performance balanced.

19. Healthy brain

Healthy brain

The onion rich in antioxidant properties is also good for the brain. It does not allow toxic substances to be stored in the brain. There is also sulfur in it, which prevents memory from weakening with aging (27). According to the researchers, if you want to get all these benefits of onion, cook onion and eat raw instead of eating.

20. Combating Oxidative Stress

According to a research in China, drinking onion juice can reduce oxidative stress. As well as the quercetic properties present on the onion can be rid of the diseases caused by oxidative stress. In addition, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties present on the onion reduce the effect of oxidative stress (28) (29).

21. Calculus in the kidney

If you are worried because of stones in the kidneys, then the onion may work for you. It works like ayurvedic medicine. Onions not only pull stones out of the kidney, but also cleans the stomach. You can drink sugar mixed with onion juice to take out the stones. This can benefit you to a great extent.

22. Relief from UTI

Most women have to face urinary tract infection (UTI) i.e. urinary tract infections. In this way burning urine in the urinary tract is very fast. In severe cases, fever also comes with pain. At this stage, consumption of onions can be beneficial. It contains antibacterial properties, which can eliminate bacteria that cause infection (30). Boil 100 grams of onions in 600ml water until the water is half left. Then drink this water. This home remedies for one week can get relief from UTI.

Let's now know how the onion is beneficial for skin.

Benefits of Onion for Skin -

Benefits of Onion for Skin

Vitamin-A, C and E are needed for fennel and nipple skin, and onions all these qualities are present. All these vitamins together reduce the risk of wrinkles before the due to free radicals on the skin. In addition, onions also work as antiseptic, which is why the skin is safe from bad bacteria. Here we are telling you how you can make face pack with onion.
material :

• Two Tablespoons Besan
• One and a half spoon onion juice
• half a teaspoon milk
• Pinch nut

Method of Use:

• Mix all these ingredients together to make a thick paste. If the paste becomes thicker then it can mix a little milk in it.

• Clean the face thoroughly and apply it on face and neck.

• When the face pack is dried, then take a little milk and lighten it with a light-handed massage and take it off.

• This mask will not only glow face but also exfoliate.

Note: If you think that the smell of onions is coming from face pack, you can mix some drops of Lavender Essential Oil in it.

24. Kneal Acne

As you may know, onions contain antiseptic, antimicrobial, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. Onion is beneficial for skin due to all these properties. It does not have any nail acne or any skin related disease. Here's the face pack made from onions for nail-acne:
material :

• One spoon onion juice
• One spoon olive oil

Method of Use:

• Mix these two ingredients and place them on the face.
• Keep it covered for about 20 minutes and then wash the face.

25. Anti-Aging

Vitamin A, C and E present in the onion protect the skin from harmful UV rays of the sun. Also reducing the effect of free radicals. Due to these free radicals, wrinkles begin to dry on the skin prematurely. Let's know how to use onions to get rid of wrinkles.
material :

• Fresh onion juice (as required)

Method of Use:

• You massage the face with this juice. This will lead to better circulation of blood in the face and the skin will look more youthful, beautiful and festive than before.

26. Treatment of insect bites

Many times, insects or spices cut mosquitoes. This causes scars on the skin. To get relief from this, you can rub the onion piece on the affected area. Anti-inflammatory properties present on the onions relieve burns, cuts, itching and swelling.

27. Relief from Dark Spot and Pigmentation

Relief from Dark Spot and Pigmentation

Pethanutrients and antioxidant properties found on the onion remove the dirt that is present in the skin and bring it to the finish. This not only clears the dark spots, but the problem of pigmentation is also somewhat less.

material :
• Two-three spoon onion juice
• Two to three teaspoons fresh yogurt
• Any Essential Oil (Optional)

Method of Use:

• Mix these ingredients together.
• Put it on the face and massage for about 10-15 minutes.
• If you want better results, then you can do it everyday.

28. For wares

Onion juice contains acidity and some chemicals, which can get rid of wounds. All you have to do is to put fresh juice on the onions. Then let the juice be absorbed by itself in the wart. If you fill it in the month, then the wart can end with the root.

In the next section of the article, we are telling the benefits of onion for hair.

29. Long Hair

. Long Hair

Nutrients like sulfur and keratin are found on the onions, which are essential for hair. When the onion juice is applied to the hair, then the hair becomes long, dense and strong. Due to sulfur, collagen is formed in the scalp, which leads to growth in the cells and the hair is stronger than the roots. Some research also says that washing hair with onion juice leads to better development of hair.
You massage the head and hair with onions juice. Leave the hair around like 20 minutes and wash your hair after good shampoo.

30. Dandruff

Many people have dandruff problems Especially, this problem becomes more in winter. You can use onions to avoid this. It kills dandruff bacteria that produce it. You can use onion made face pack to get rid of dandruff.

material :

• Three spoons of fenugreek seeds
• Two teaspoons onion juice

Method of Use:

• Soak soaked methi seeds in water for overnight.
• Grind them in the next morning and make a thick paste.
• Mix the onion juice in it and apply it on the hair.
• Take it for about 30 minutes and then wash it with light lukewarm water.

31. Natural color of hair

If you want to have natural colors in your hair, you must use the onion. For this you put onion juice on the hair. This will keep your hair shining If you mix the onion in mustard oil and apply it on the hair, then the natural flavor will remain in the hair.

32. White Hair Relief

At the onion is called an enzyme called kettle, which prevents hair from being white. Along with hair makes the hair dark You can use this face pack of onions to blacken hair:

material :

• An onion juice

Method of Use:

• Put onion juice on your hair and then massage it with a little light.
• After about 30 minutes, wash hair with sulphate-free shampoo.

33. Finishing up the louse

Onions contain sulfur, which can eliminate the litter that grows in the head.
material :
• Four-five onions

Method of Use:

• Grind the onion and make paste.
• Then remove the juice by pressing the paste.
• Now massage the head and hair with this juice.
• After this, cover the head with a shower cap.
• After about 2 hours wash your head with shampoo and light lukewarm water.

Do you know which nutrients are there on the onions? If not, here we are telling.

There are several ways to eat onions, which we are talking about further.

 How to use Onion Use - 

There are several ways to eat onions. Whether you eat it raw or cook it again. Here are some common and special ways of eating onions:

• If you are fond of eating Italian salad, then you can use onion in it. Mix onion with tomatoes and zorilla cheese in salad and add olive oil from above.

• Cut the onion into small pieces and put them in pasta and soup etc. This will increase the taste of pasta and soup many times.

• You can make rice even delicious by making the onion and cumin powder while making rice.

• When cooking is done in any vegetable or pulse, it is only fun to eat after adding onion in it.

• Many people eat tomato and onion vegetable too.

Next we are giving some other information related to onion.

Selecting onion and keeping it safe for a long time

When buying onion, keep in mind that:

• Its shape is correct, clean and not cut from anywhere.
• Between it he should not be as strict as wood.
• His outer layers should be bright and rigid.
• Onions should be white from below.
• If there is a smell on the onion or if it looks bad from anywhere, do not take it.
• Some onions are like sprouts. Out of it, green stem is coming out like a stem. Do not take such onions.
Onions can be stored for a long time in this way:
• Keep it in a cool, dry and ventilated place.
• Do not keep it in the fridge, as it can become damp and soft.
• If the chopped onion is saved after use, you can cover it with a plastic well and keep it in the fridge. It will not be bad for about two days.
• Keep checking onions from time to time. If any onion looks bad, then throw it away.
• Also, if a green stem comes out on an onion, then use it first. You can use onions by removing the green part.

Do you know that there are also eating disadvantages.

Loss of Onion - 

1. Smell the sharpness: If you eat raw onion, then you can get stink faster than your mouth. This is due to the sulfur present in the onion.

2. Reduction of blood glucose: It can significantly reduce the amount of sugar in the blood. Therefore, before taking it, doctor advice is important.

3. Rhesus on the skin: Applying onion juice to the skin can cause some people to itch and rash on the skin. Therefore, you must definitely do patch tests before using onion juice.

4. Gas: Consumption of onion can cause problems like gas, irritation, vomiting and nausea in the stomach.

5. Pregnancy: Pregnant women should consume it in small amounts, because consuming it in excess can cause irritation of the chest.

6. Lithium: Onion consumption can increase the amount of lithium in the body. Therefore, before taking the medication of lithium, ask the doctor once about eating onions.

7. Blood pressure: Onion consumption can reduce the level of systolic and diastolic blood pressure. Therefore, those who take blood pressure medicines should ask the doctor if they should eat onion or not.

Those who do not use it due to the strong smell coming from the onions, they should have understood through the article that the benefits of onion are many. Despite your tastes, it can come in many ways. Therefore, you add onions to your diet, but in limited quantities, so that you get the benefit of it and not eating onions. If you have any questions related to onion in your mind, then you can ask us in the comment box below.

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