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Yoga for natural light in skin and face


Yoga for natural light in skin and face

Yoga for natural light in skin and face

Looking at the beauty of glittering faces in the advertising of cosmetics, we often think that our skin is just as young and beautiful. But this is not an imaginary dream. Now you can also attract attention by reflecting your healthy, glowing skin. And the good news is: without any chemical element and costly cosmetics, you can get such skin only by yoga and such a glowing skin which can be stored for years. But before going for the remedies, first we have to know about skin problems such as wrinkles and black spots etc.

Common causes of skin problems

• In some women's wrinkles, wrinkles begin to prematurely in the skin because they have the ability to live in the way of unhealthy habits like cigarettes, alcohol, drugs and bad eating habits and stress plays a major role.

• Nail mouths or veneer is a common problem for women of all ages. Sometimes it also happens due to the imbalance of the hormones. There is no need to be more worried for this as it cures itself on time.

• Unbalanced digestion is also the cause of acne.

Yoga posture for perfect blood circulation
The practice of these rugs increases blood circulation in the face and head part. It gives you naturally beautiful skin.



Bhujangasan appears to be a snake-like snake, hence the name of this seat is Bhujangasan. Bhujangasan is an important feature of Suryanamaskar and Padma Sadhan which is very beneficial for our body. It makes the muscles of the chest and waist flexible and removes any tension in the waist. Surely, Bhujangasan will prove very beneficial for those related to the spinal cord. In women it helps in controlling blood circulation in the uterus. Any kidney related patient or any problem related to the stomach, this easy posture is a solution to all the problems.

Do Bhujangasan this way

• Lay on the floor on the ground, keep the pedestal and the head straight on the ground.
• Keep feet straight, keep legs and ankles together.
• Keep both hands below the two shoulders and keep the two anusms close and parallel to the body.
• Take a long breath, gently raise the head, then the chest and later the stomach. Keep the navel on the floor.
• Now lifting the body up, pulling the back of the waist, using both hands.
• Consider: Maintain uniform weight on both sides.
• By breathing consciously, straighten both hands together by turning the joint of the ring slowly; Raise the neck and look upwards.
• Take note: Are your hands away from the ears? Keep your shoulders relaxed. If necessary, you can turn to the elbows. As you leave exercises, keeping the elbows straight, you can learn to give more curvature to the back.
Keep in mind that your feet are still straight. Keep a little smile, keep on taking a long breath, smiling begging
• Stretching the body according to your schedule, turning too much can be a loss.
• First of all, leaving the breath, take back the stomach, chest and later the head back slowly.

Benefits of Bhujangasan

• Freeing shoulders and neck from stress.
• Strengthen the stomach muscles
• Strengthening the entire back and shoulders.
• Making the upper part of the spinal cord and the medial part more flexible.
• Freedom from fatigue and stress.
• Extremely beneficial for asthma and other respiratory diseases (do not use this posture if asthma attack is present).



If this seat is done in water then the body starts swimming like a fish, hence it is called Mittasyaasan.
Process of niggardry.

• Lie down on the waist and connect your hands and feet with the body.
• Keep hands under the hips, put palms on the ground. Combine your elbows together.
• Taking breath, raising chest and head.
• Raise your chest, take the head back and place the top of the head on the floor.
• Keeping the head warm on the floor, press your elbows firmly on the ground, put all the weight on the elbows, not on the head. Highlight your chest. Press the stomach and feet on the ground.
• As long as possible, stay in the asana, keep taking long deep breaths. Relax with every breath going out and breathe.
• Raise the head, come back while chest down. Put both hands back to the right and left of the body and relax.

Benefits of niggery•

 Stretches between the neck and chest.

ck and shoulders that relax the muscles.
• Troubleshoot problems related to respiratory and helps in deep breathing.
• Stabilizes parathyroid, pineal, and pituitary glands.



This seat has got the name due to the similar shape of the farmer's solution, which is used to dig the soil before the cultivation.
The forward position of Halasan forward.

How to do Halasan.

1. Lay your arms beside the back and lie down on the back.
2. Take your legs up to 90 degrees above the floor on the strength of your stomach muscles while breathing.
3. Leaving your breath, lift your knees and back with your hands above the floor.
4. Take your feet from the top of your head to 180 degree angle and apply it on the back floor. Keep your back vertical on the floor. It will be hard to do this initially but do it for a few seconds.
5. Rest in this posture for a few moments and keep on breathing steady.
6. Rest in this posture about a minute (initially few seconds), then gradually bring your feet back and breathe out.

Tips for Halasan

• Slow this posture slowly and effortlessly. You do not have much emphasis on your neck.
• Help with your shoulders and lift the shoulder and bring it to the ear.
• When you bring your body back, there is no shock
5 benefits of Halasan. 5-Benefits of the Halasana (Plow Pose)
1. The neck, shoulders, stomach and back muscles are firmly firm.
2. The nervous system gets rest and tension and fatigue are eradicated.
3. Leg muscles get strength and flexibility.
4. Helps the thyroid gland and increase the immunity of disease.
5. Women get help in livelihood.


There is a yoga posture on the basis of universalization or shoulders, in which the entire body is balanced on the shoulders. This is also a part of Padma Sadhna Yoga. 'All' means, 'organ' means the body part, and 'asana' is the posture. As the name indicates, Saranganas Affects the working system of all parts of your body. This posture is very beneficial in maintaining mental and physical health and it is also called 'Queen of Asana'.

This asana gives exercise to all the organs of the body, hence it is called universal allergy. This seat in English is also called Shoulder Stand Pose. The process and benefits of universalization are given below.

Cosmic process

If you have any problem with high or low blood pressure, glaucoma, thyroid, neck or shoulder injury, then take the opinion of a physician or the Art of Living Instructor before making this seat.

• Lie down on your back. Together, raise your legs, hips, and then the waist. All the loads come to your shoulders. Support your back with your hands.

• Take your elbows closer. Keep hands with the back, keep the shoulders in support. Keep your waist and feet straight, while pressing the elbows on the floor and keeping the hands on the waist. The full load of the body should be on the upper part of your shoulders and hands, not on your head and neck.

• Keep your feet straight and firm. Keep the edges of your feet high like you would like to touch the roof. Take the fingers of your feet straight into the nose. Pay attention to your neck, do not press him on the ground. Keep your neck strong and shrink its muscles. Chin your chest with a chin. If there is a tension in the neck, then come out of the seat.

• Take long deep breaths and stay in the seat for 30-60 seconds.

• To come out of the asana, gently take the knees near the forehead. Keep hands on the floor. Without raising the head slowly, take the waist down slowly. Take the feet on the ground. Relax for at least 60 seconds.

Benefits of universalization

• activates and nourishes the thyroid and thyroid glands.
• Strengthens hands and shoulders and makes the back more flexible.
• Nourishes the brain by accessing more blood.
• Energizes the muscles of the heart and transmits pure blood to the heart.
• Relieves constipation and activates the digestive system.



Triangle = triangle; Posture - position or posture
The eyes are kept open to keep the balance of the body in triangularisation other than the other rugs.

Triangulation process

• Stand straight! Make a convenient distance between your legs (about 3 1/2 to 4 fits).
• Rotate your right paw 90 degrees and left paws up to 15 degrees.

• Bring the center of your right heel to the center of the twisting of your left foot and straighten it.
• Make sure your paws are suppressing the ground and the weight of the body is evenly on both feet.
• Take a deep breath inward, turn your body in the right direction by moving the breath out, moving from the hips downwards, keeping the waist straight, lift your left hand up in the air and the right arm down towards the ground. Move Thus, keep both of your hands in one direction.
• Keep your right hand on the edges or on the outside side of the ground or keep your waist without turning it wherever possible. Drag your left hand toward the ceiling and bring it in the center of the shoulder. Keep your head in the center or turn to the left, focus your eyesight on the sister palm.
Keep in mind that your body is bent towards the side. The body may not be tilted forward or backward. The buttocks and chests are completely open.
• Stay firm while maintaining maximum stretch in the body. Keep breathing deeply. Relax the body with every breath going out. Be mindful with your body and breath.
• Whenever breathe, rise upward, bring your hands down and straighten the legs.
• Do the same process on your other side.
Some suggestions for triangulation
• Before doing this posture you should take care that you have done a good start-up.
• bend slowly and slowly while bending up so that your balance is maintained.

Benefits of Trikonasan

• This asana strengthens legs, knees, ankles, arms and thorax.
• This seat produces more openness and stretch in buttocks, hips, thigh muscles, shoulders, thoracic and spinal cord. (Makes it more flexible and makes openness in all these parts.)
• This posture increases physical and mental dissonance.
• Helps improve digestion. (Assists in digestion and activates it)
• Relieves stress, anxiety, backache and citric pain.
Balasanbal means - in the infant or child, in Balasan, we bow our heads and body forward like a baby with a thunderbolt posture. This posture is very easy but it is also quite beneficial. Relieves the waist muscles and this seat also removes constipation. This posture which calms the mind, makes the nervous system calm down.

Process of balasan

Process of balasan

1. Sit on your ankles, place the heel on the hips, bend forward and apply the forehead to the ground.
2. Keep the hands moving from both sides of the body to the front, towards the palm of the sky (if it is not comfortable, then keep the forehead resting by placing the second palm over the palm.)
3. Slowly press the thighs on the thighs.
4. Keep the position.
5. Get up slowly and sit on the heel and gently straighten the spinal cord. veg out.
Benefits of balasan
1. Relax deep back.
2. Relieves constipation.
3. Calms the nervous system.

All the posture in which the head is below stimulates the nervous system, the head has more oxygen and blood flow, which increases the level of our metabolic and energy.
Yoga practice for facial toning
Practice for 20 minutes of face exercise every day. The practice also tightens the muscles of the face and tone too.
• Massage your jaws to work stress.
• Massage your eyebrows for an instant leisure experience.
• Lightly slay your forehead with the fingers of your fingers and free from stress.
• Use Super Brain Yoga! Drag your ears into different directions and rotate and experience instant refreshment.
• Use kisses and smiling techniques for exercising of your muscles muscles. Make your two lips in such a way that you are going to kiss a baby. Then the big smile can be as well. From the thought of it, you started smiling, did not you?

Some other tips for blooming skin

1. Drink lots of water!

Taking lemon and honey with lukewarm water leads to toxicity in the body. It keeps the skin clean and healthy.

2. Exercise daily

Take a walk regularly. They will give the brightness and color you do not know.

3. Eat healthy food!

• Eat fresh fruits and vegetables, which are the sources of Vitamin C. Papaya is considered good for purification.
• Potato is very effective in reducing black spots, stains, sunburn etc.
• Frozen and junk food survivors.
• Excludes too much spicy food and more sweet food.
• Take food according to the nature of your body (vata, bile and cough).

4. Relax with good!

When the body is well rested, it looks on your face. Have a good 8-hour sleep.

5. Use natural things!

• Use Ayurvedic Facial Package and Scrub. You can also choose from various products of Sri Sri Ayurveda. Use chemical-free natural herbs. Vitamin E can use oil.
• Wash the face and keep it moist when returning after a day's work.
• Spray water on your eyes thrice a day.
• Take a massage with oil once a week according to the nature of your body, which is also helpful in poisoning from the body.

6. Smile more!

The best makeup for your face is your grin. The more you smile, the more your skin shines. be positive.

7. Meditate!

Meditate twice a day. It is helpful to shine inside you from outside.

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